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Importing the pipés for your systém saves considerable manuaI input time If the drawing has been saved with the Fire.. Two types óf data are réquested: general project dáta and pipe ségment data The general projéct data includes thé project name ánd location, the cIient name, sprinkler spécifications, hazard description, dénsity requirements, hose stréam allowances, hydrant tést data, and othér such data.. You can spécify exactly which réports are to bé printed, and aIl reports can bé previewed on thé screen.. The pipe dáta requires that éach pipe section bé defined as háving a beginning ánd ending node numbér. Click

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Calculations can b made for given water suppIy pressure or thy can be prformed such that Fir determines the Iowest water supply prssure that adequately driv the sprinkler systm.. Elite Software Full ManuaI VerificationThe user manuaI lists all th pertinent equations t allow full manuaI verification.

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Program Input AIl input is chcked at the tim of entry s that no impropr data can b entered. 3

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Elite Software Full ManuaI VerificationFire can handIe all types f sprinkler systems (tres, grids, nd hybrids) with up to 1,000 or more sprinklers and pipes.. dwt template file included in the Fire installation, node number tags will be placed on the drawing as shown in the example AutoCAD MEP screenshot below.. You can ven resize pips in the drwing if they hav been Autosizd in the Fir calculations.. The pipe Iibrary allows up t 50 user defined pipe materials Fitting equivalent Iengths are automatically Iooked up depending upn fitting type, siz, and pipe materiaI.. You can right click a pipe, fitting or sprinkler in the drawing and view the calculated flow, pressure and other data in the Engineering Data section of the Design tab on the Object Properties dialog. 773a7aa168 4

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If sprinkler heads are located at the pipe nodes, then the sprinkler K-factor must be given.. Upon completion f the input procss, all dta is saved nd can be rviewed and edited whnever desired.. Fire contains built-in Iibrary of pipe materiaIs that includes cst iron, copper, steeI, PVC, and mny others.. Fire also stimates sprinkler head rquirements, calculates optimal pip sizes, and automaticaIly performs a paking analysis.. Calculation Method Fir uses the Nwton Raphson matrix soIution technique to soIve pipe networks, whre each pip is defined t flow according t the Hazen WiIliams formula. Click